
Job Detail

Social Media Management and Skilled Developer

  • Job typeJob type: Remote
  • Job DurationLess than 1 month
  • Project LevelIntermediate
  • Project deadlineExpired
  • //www.workston.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/128-spain.svgSpain

Project detail

I am looking for a good developer to develop a social media handle claiming bot (Turbo bot) which automatically tries to claim a specific list of handles that are provided by the user whenever they become available/release on the social media network.

1- The bot should be able to have a high number of attempts per minute to increase the chances of claiming the handle(s) (usernames).
2- The bot should work with Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok.
3- The bot should have an easy to use web-based user interface to allow the user to operate all the functions.
4- The developer should advise on the server hosting requirements of the bot and support the client set up the server and the bot on it and ensure its fully operational.
5- The bot should not break any rules in the social media terms or policies nor use any illegal methods to achieve its objective or use any methods that will make the bot blocked by the social media network.

Note: Please advise if one bot can be developed for all the above social media networks or an individual bot should be developed for each.

Thank you and Good luck!

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