
Company Detail


About “Gary R”

Efficiency. Dedication. Together.

We are focused on providing an honest quality of service for our customers. This doesn’t just mean providing cheap, transparent and reliable energy as we believe this should be a given. What these words mean at Utility Point is that we help people take back control of their energy use, protecting them from price rises, releasing less carbon into the atmosphere and putting more money back in their pocket. The full customer journey experience is at the heart of this business.

Our mission is to increase energy efficiency, provide a dedicated and personalised service and work together with our customers to ensure their utilities work around their lifestyle. All the while, saving customers money and rewarding their loyalty as well as their efforts to reduce their carbon footprint. If we can do all this and have some fun along the way then perhaps we can change the perception, certainly for our customers, of the utility sector.

Posted projects

  • Project costCost $170.00

Hi, I need a designer experienced with WordPress and WPBaker to finish off a site, the theme has already been and up and the pages…

  • Project LevelIntermediate
  • Job DurationNot sure
  • Project typeProject type: Fixed Price
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