
Company Detail


About “Lauren D”

I am a Chartered Accountant with over 10 years’ experience and I currently specialise in providing advice to both trustees and corporate employers of defined benefit pension schemes. This includes performing an independent and objective assessment of the overall financial strength of the companies supporting a defined benefit pension scheme, understanding how this may be impacted by corporate events and advising on agreeing a suitable recovery plan to eliminate the scheme deficit in accordance with the guidance set by the Pensions Regulator.

I have particular expertise in providing advice on the Pension Protection Fund levy. My recent experiences include assisting clients with:
(1) Evaluating the recent change in the risk-based levy methodology and Experian’s calculation of employer levy bands; and
(2) The certification of both Contingent Assets and Asset-backed funding structures.

Prior to joining PwC’s employer covenant team, I spent four years working in the firm’s Financial Services Audit Practice followed by two years’ experience working in the firm’s Insurance Insolvency Practice.

Posted projects

  • Project costCost $180.00

Have you an obsession for all things Youtube? Have you demonstrable experience of producing and managing Youtube channels to create engaging structure to videos? Can…