
Company Detail


About “LearnCube”

Billions of people live in remote areas or can’t find teachers in their hometown to teach them what they need to learn to become their best selves.

Our mission at LearnCube is to enable anyone, anywhere to access world-class teachers. We do this through our award-winning virtual classroom software that we provide to leading online schools and online tutoring platforms.

One way to think of it is, if Skype was made for online meetings, LearnCube was made for online teaching.

There’s a big difference…for an online meeting, you just need video, audio and basic chat.

For online teaching, you want that video conferencing to be embedded into a collaborative, exciting digital space for learning.

That’s why aside from ultra-reliable video conferencing, we’ve created the most intuitive interactive whiteboard possible so students feel comfortable participating actively in the virtual classroom. Teachers have all their lesson materials on hand and special tools that allow them to teach an effective tutoring session or group class.

A quote that we often repeat is, “Teaching is the one profession, that creates all other professions”​.

Our goal is to make learning live with an online teacher as effective as learning with a teacher in-person. That way we can help build a more equal and more understanding world.

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