Email Verified Richard D
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Member since 28/01/2020
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SEO & Digital Marketing Consultant - Content Marketing & Link Building Campaigns to drive targeted traffic and leads.

  • $82.00 / hr
  • //www.workston.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/united-states.svgUnited States
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Are you getting the most out of your online presence? Is your website driving new leads and targeted traffic? Or is your website under-performing and you’re not sure why? Do your customers and clients know why you do business and why they should care?

I am an expert in web presence for businesses with over 5 years of experience. A great online presence starts with great copywriting and content and builds with a consistent marketing campaign across channels that are targeted to the people who really love you. I can offer a full review of your website and marketing campaigns and let you know what you can do to improve sales using your online avenues; particularly Google. We can even start from scratch and build something great! My clients see consistent and often dramatic improvement using my recommendations and techniques and are thrilled with the results.

Superior research skills and an understanding of consumer psychology and business allow me to determine exactly who your target market is and how to reach them. I keep up to date with the latest in marketing news and developments, particularly with respect to digital marketing (SEO, content marketing, link building).

I have developed and executed marketing plans and marketing materials for companies in industries such as travel/tourism, the arts, finance, wealth management, business services, real estate, luxury goods, and hospitality. These materials included newsletters, press releases, landing pages, website copy, blogs, Facebook business pages, Facebook ads, articles, Google ads, and general correspondence.

Want to tap into the digital world and find out what the internet can do for your business? Send me a message!


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