
Google Adwords / PPC / Wordpress / Amazon FBA / Amazon PPC / Amazon Consultant

“David is one of the leading Google AdWords PPC consultants in the UK and author of the enormously popular course on Udemy – Google AdWords Business Training.”

“Your PPC Guy”

I have specialised AdWords and Amazon PPC for almost 10 years and have developed a reputation as one of the leading paid traffic managers in the UK.

Ultimately I help businesses to generate more sales and build their brands online.

The advertising campaigns I develop are surgical, targeting your customers browsing on line with precision and promoting your business with clear and compelling calls to action.

I can help your business with strategies to improve credibility, conversion rates and customer journey’s. My expert PPC marketing services include:

Google PPC:

– Adwords PPC marketing
– Shopping & Product Listing Ads
– AdWords Remarketing

Amazon Advertising Services:

– Amazon Sponsored Listings (PPC)
– Amazon Store Management and Optimisation

I’m always delighted to give advice on any business or marketing subject. Simply get in touch…



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