
Job Detail

Bulk Website Product Upload

  • Job typeJob type: Remote
  • Job Duration1 week or less
  • Project LevelIntermediate
  • //www.workston.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/234-australia.svgAustralia

Project detail

I need to hire a team of people to work together to upload approximately 5000+ products onto a website, the job will entail downloading product images from the supplier’s various websites (not copyright as we are authorized as a dealer to use our supplier’s product images) along with descriptions and RRP’s from price lists but keep the listing uniform and tidy to fit in with existing products on a live website.

This job would suit a managed team of data entry/website listing staff as we need the items listed within 5 days so is more than a one man job. The website is based around WordPress/WooCommerce so all tools are available to bulk upload from CSV but it is the collation of data from the supplier’s websites that slows the process down so it needs a team of individuals to process this

Industry Categories

Languages required

Freelancer type required for this project