
Job Detail

Design and develop fully featured website for investment blog

  • Job typeJob type: Remote
  • Job Duration1 week or less
  • Project LevelEntry
  • //www.workston.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/united-states.svgUnited States

Project detail

I have started “Frugal Investors” and I am looking for a web partner who can

1. Build the initial website

2. Do ongoing web work for maintaining the website.

As a result, this is a good opportunity for whoever I hire!

I require the following features:
1. A basic website with 6-7 main pages and a simple table at the top (About us, Investing basics, Consulting service, …)
2. The first page is a long list of blog posts that you click into which grows as I add to it. The main feature of this site is an investment blog where people can comment and I can respond to the comments as an admin underneath.
3. The website would also need a “sign up” feature so that people can join my mailing list and receive updates via email every few weeks. I would need to then send out the blog articles as updates, which are accessed via email.
4. The signup feature and references to social media in the forms of buttons would appear on all pages
5. Help to get this onto the existing domain which I have paid for once it is complete
6. Work with the graphic designer I am hiring separately to design the logo for the website so that the two match
7. Handover to myself and insight on how to sustainably run it (happy to consult you again with future work as I build on it)

Can you confirm that you’d be able to do this level of work? And also whether this sounds like a job you could deliver? I would appreciate examples and a particular focus from people who have a strong track record of delivering web design work

In turn, I can provide BOTH 1. a sketch of what this looks like, and 2. two example websites that are a good benchmark for what I am looking for.

I look forward to hearing from you

All the best

Languages required