
Job Detail

I need animated text adding to a YouTube video

  • Job typeJob type: Remote
  • Job DurationNot sure
  • Project LevelEntry
  • //www.workston.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/united-states.svgUnited States

Project detail


I have a YouTube video (a careers talk I’ve done for a university). I’ve pulled and trimmed all the clips into Premiere Pro but now i’d like to add animated text to specific parts of the video.

I could work on it myself but it’d be slow and painful. So looking for someone to do it for me? i’ll happily send over the bits of text and time signatures for the bits i want calling out in animated text.

Here’s an example that i’m aiming for close to.

I’m not sure what to charge for it, so i’ll put a guess price in.


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