
Job Detail

New Real Estate website agency developed

  • Job typeJob type: Remote
  • Job Duration1 week or less
  • Project LevelExpert
  • //www.workston.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/162-germany.svgGermany

Project detail

I would like a website developed for me, for a Real Estate agency.

I would like a quote for it to be developed in WordPress, but then also a quote for it to be developed using whatever technology you recommend. So, I will require two separate quotes. My price is flexible.

I require the new website to have ALL the same functions that this website has and I want the wire-frame to be IDENTICAL to the example website. (I will customise it to look different afterwards).

I have a deadline of only 3 weeks to build this website to fully working and live.

The website will be required to be linked using an API feed to populate the website with properties. (It will NOT need its own property upload panel), Part of the job, will be to ensure the API feed is fully and correctly functional. (see attached screenshot of API control panel)

IMPORTANT… I want the new website to be IDENTICAL to the donor website, pixel perfect. So I do NOT want any Themes used which you later tell me, something “is not possible because of the Theme we have used”.

Languages required