
Job Detail

Shopify: finish to design a website before it goes live

  • Job typeJob type: Remote
  • Job Duration1 week or less
  • Project LevelExpert
  • //www.workston.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/234-australia.svgAustralia

Project detail

Hi Guys,

We are looking for a web-designer to finish off our Shopify store. We previously hired someone on this platform who did ok but was not able to give a proper professional and sleek look to our shop.

Our company is moving online and we want a quality website to reflect the quality of our products, we are specialized in door to door delivery of unusual houseplants in Australia.

The shop is hosted by shopify and built around the theme called Burberry.

The person we are looking for will have to :

– suggest and propose different fonts, color scheme and layouts to maximize the website look and attractiveness
– suggest suitable modification to enhance the user’s experience
– follow us until the website is launched
– BE CREATIVE and UNDERSTAND our vision .

We would of course like to go live as soon as possible but we will not do so until we are fully happy with the website.
Budget to be negotiated with freelancer.

Please contact us if you are creative, understand our needs and are willing to get on board with us.

Languages required