
Data scraping

  • Project costCost $570.00

I need to hire a team of people to work together to upload approximately 5000+ products onto a website, the job will entail downloading product images from the supplier’s various…

  • Project LevelIntermediate
  • Job Duration1 week or less
  • Job typeJob type: Remote
  • Project typeProject type: Fixed Price
  • //www.workston.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/234-australia.svgAustralia
  • Project LevelSave
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  • Project costCost $300.00

I am looking for someone to help Prospect/ Data Mine Qualified Leads specific to the Start-up community – Venture Capital, Accelerator and Incubator Start-ups in Ontario, Canada (200-300 prospects). I…

  • Project LevelExpert
  • Job Duration1 week or less
  • Job typeJob type: Remote
  • Project typeProject type: Fixed Price
  • //www.workston.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/162-germany.svgGermany
  • Project LevelSave
  • View Job